Friday, April 15, 2011

Moving to MN

Tonight my mom flies into MN to start helping with our move!  We'll drive down to Sparta tomorrow morning and start organizing stuff for the packers who will arrive on Tuesday!  I can't believe it's finally here...MOVING DAY!!  It sounds like they will pack for 2 days, then load the 3rd day so we should be heading back to MN on Thursday afternoon sometime.  It would be nice if we could leave by lunchtime so we could make it back up to MN to attend the final walk through of our new house.  Larry will have to go alone w/ the realtor if Morgan, my mom and I don't make it back in time. 

Another exciting thing is that our new hot-tub will be delivered that day too!  Yay!  Hopefully by the weekend we'll be able to enjoy it! Wow, will that feel good after a weekend of cleaning, painting and then once the household goods arrive on Monday, we'll need a nice long soak! 

On another happy note, congrats to my friend Michelle & her hubby Karey who found out that they are going to have a GIRL!  They have a little 3 y/o boy Cameron that Morgan adores playing with and they are also moving from Sparta so they will have lots of changes going on in their household.  I wish them the best of luck in KY and can't wait to see pics of the new baby this fall! 

Let's we now know of 4 babies with arrival scheduled in the fall (Aug, Sept, Oct).  The other 3 are:
- my cousin Ryan's wife is pregnant with their second baby...I believe they are due around Sept 24th (Morgan's birthday!!!)
- our good friend George's girlfriend is pregnant with her second baby...
-and our friend of a friend Jen Kellogg and her partner Janine are expecting a baby boy!
CONGRATULATIONS to all the new mommies and their families...lots of changes and happiness this year!

So, that is a quick catch up of what is going on around the Hagen's lately.  Lots of exciting stuff!  Stay tuned for more updates in the near future and possibly some move pics!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another interesting website to check out...

On this morning's news show, they talked about an interesting website that I wanted to share with you.  It compiles sales on just about anything in your area or in any area that you want to go shopping.  Check it out:

It's nice to be able to look up specific topics.  It saves you the extra time you would usually spend looking at different adds or driving around comparison shopping.  Have fun sale shopping!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

2 great websites to check out!

While watching the news this morning, I heard about 2 websites that I thought were worthy of sharing:
 - you can get great  tips on how to save money on many topics
 - if you are a coupon shopper or want to learn how to start, this site has great info, tips and tricks on how to save money on your shopping

Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!  Happy Spring to everyone!  I sure do love this time of year!