Friday, November 11, 2011

Too funny...

While I was away from the family last weekend helping my move from WY to MI.... Larry said that he and Morgan  were getting ready to head to the store.  Larry was wearing some overalls (probably his hole filled and dirty pair) and as they were getting her jacket and shoes on, she looked at her daddy and said "You can't go wearing THAT!"  I was so very proud when he told me this!  That's my girl!  Love you Morgan!  :-)  Thank you for helping keep daddy on his toes and to teach him what is okay to wear to the store and what is not!  LMAO!!

Happy Veteran's Day

Today is a very special  day in our family...a day to honor those in our family and friends who have served or are serving in the military.  We are very proud to call ourselves a military family and hope that everyone says thank you to those you know are serving.  I think one of the greatest things I see is when someone finds out someone is military and they say thank you for serving...even to complete strangers.  I am in awe when complete strangers open themselves up like that! 

My hubby Larry, brother Cory, father Daryl, cousin Harley and many, many, many friends who have served or are currently serving are especially in my thoughts today.  I know someone from each of the 5 military branches and am very proud of them all!

Happy Veteran's Day!  Thank you for fighting for our freedom and security!